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Friday, 25 September 2015

Spices the Antimicrobial Force in your Food

Spices are added to foods in order to make our cuisine more relishable and delicious. Owing to all these attributes that spices add to our foods, there are so many other reasons due to which spices have been a major part of our culinary. Spices not only enhance flavors but they also serve as antimicrobial  agents in foods and kill all possible life forms: bacteria, fungi, spores, cysts and eggs of helminthes and even viruses in cooked foods due to their naturally occurring essential oils and chemical constituents.
Spices also are antimicrobial Food agents

We Have devised a this interesting series that will help you understand that how your daily use spices can greatly effect your life and health. You will be not only get informed about the latest research in this exciting field but also can make your and your family eating habits more healthy .

Modern uses of spices, spice seeds, condiments and herbs are legion and ever-changing. There are few culinary recipes that do not include them, and their judicious use brings a delectable, distinctive aroma and taste to a host of dishes…especially Asian cuisine is incomplete without seasoning.
Spices and herbs—or their oils, where processing temperature permits—also go into the preparation of a number of liqueurs, including absinthe, anisette, benedictine, crème de menthe, curaçao, and kümmel.
In the food-processing industry they are employed in the preparation of numerous products including processed meats, sausages, sauces, vinegars, mustard, pickles, chutneys, preserves, salad dressings, biscuits, cookies, cakes, confections, and beverages.

Both herbs and spices contain essential oils, which are the flavoring components of extracts, and they are employed in the production of perfumes, cosmetics, toiletries, lotions, hair products, toothpastes, and soaps. These essential oils and oleo-resins (natural plant products that contain essential oils and resins) are the basis of a number of spice flavorings and seasonings employed in food manufacturing. 

In many cases, oil extractive of spice are preferred to the whole or ground spices, largely because the extracts are easier to blend, the volatile oil content can be quantified, and the flavor intensity can be adjusted. A more common extract for home cooking is vanilla, which is cultivated in tropical climates.

In the Next Post We will talk about the Types of Spices.

This Work Posted here is Copyrighted content and is protected under the FWU-IPC Act 2015 . It is Presented by Author as Core Food Micro Thesis Work on Spices and their Anti Microbial Effects.

Monday, 14 September 2015

History in a Drop of Blood

Do you know that a single drop of your blood has a memory to reveal your whole past life profile. And now we can reveal that just from single blood test . Surprised, don't be , it's all because of Memory T-Lymphocytes .
A Full Human Viral Scan Can be done now in one go.
Now you are wondering what on earth are those things ? Well, Memory T-Lymphocytes are one of the nature's wonders circulating in our bodies. They keep the memory of all invasions that happen to a persHuman Viral Scanon in a lifetime. The entire record of virome (Total Viral count) on body is important in determining the right medical history of patient. All this is done by VirScan, a test that gives all possible details about virus history in living bodies. It is developed at Harvard University by a team of scientists from Eight different institutions (including Max Planck Institute in Germany). It is all done by a blood test that just cost you only $25. This test uses antibodies present in blood and tallies it with the library of 93,000 snippets of viral code. It can reveal approximately up to 1000 different viruses that attacked the body even once in a lifetime. So far, this test proves successful in detecting human Herpes virusEntero virusRhino virus BHepatitis C virus and Rubella virus. Further research is progressing to reveal more intriguing details.
you can also read the Blog at Inteliworld.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Fun Facts : Intel's 3D TriGate 22nmTransistor Technology , How Cool it is ?

The 22nm 3D tri-gate transistor
[source: Intel.com]

Intel is moving towards the new frontier of technology , 3D TriGate Transistors with 22nm foot print. Here are some cool facts given by intel about its new technology.
  • Size: In 1947 , the first transistor built by Bell Labs is large enough that it was pieced together by hand . Now More than 100 million 22nm tri-gate transistors can fit on the head of the pin (Where pin head is about 1.5nm in diameter).
  • In a period  "." , which is estimated to be 1/10 square millimeter in area can accommodate 6 million 22nm  tri gate transistors.
  • Human Hair which is about 90 microns in diameter can accommodate   4000 22nm tri gate transistors across its width.
  • Compare to Intel's First microprocessor , introduced in 1971, 4040. A 22 nm CPU runs over 4000 times faster and energy consumption is 5000 times reduced. The Price per transistor is dropped by the factor of 50,000.
  • If a person can flick a light switch 150 times in 1 minute , than it would take about 2000 years to flick a light switch on/off  as 22nm Tri gate transistor can on/off well over 100 billion times in a second.
  • Intel claims that its factories can produce over 5 billion transistors in a second that results to 20 million transistors produced every year for every living human being on this earth.
[Source : Intel.com]

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Cyber Security EPISODE 02: Physical Harms Caused by Digital attacks.

Are the Electrical Power Grids Next ?
Today the realm of modern day leisure mostly rely on the hands of sophisticate yet vulnerable Industry Automation Controllers. They range from RTUs,PLD, PLC , Controllers , IO devices and so on . As for the sake of maintaince industry machinery goes online, the risk of possible hazard increased twofold.It is said any thing with a microchip can be a potential target. Let us see in the realm of known physical damages caused digital attacks;

Starting back from the start of 21st century , in April 2000;in Australia Queens Land, an insider struck . Former employee of water treatment firm by using stolen radio parts , issue the faulty commands to sewage equipment . This resulted in more than 200,000 gallons of raw sewage to spill into local parks and rivers.

Coming a little forward in 2003 January . The slammer worm penetrated through the multiple firewalls  to infect Ohio's Davis-Besse nuclear power plant operations center. The cause of spread of worm is from the contractor's computer into the business network. The worm then make its way through the computers controlling the plant operations . Well it had crashed multiple "safety systems" and the plant was off-line during that time. 

Now here goes the uncle sam , you know all evil they start to do at home and later "leak" to CNN. In 2007, march Government of United States of America , "all hale cant you see..." . Well they have simulated , what did i say , yes people "they Simulated" a cyber attack on electricity generation equipment at Idaho National Labs , on National labs, wow. A video of this "simulated cyber attack" called as "Aurora" is later "leaked" to CNN. Well you know they always got the tapes before it happens,like 9/11 , yes people because they go beyond borders. @#$$*
Cyberpower and National Security (National Defense University)

Any way our journey continues and here they Jumped in , MEN in BLACK. A senior CIA official "revealed" in January 2008, that hackershave "frequently" infiltrated electric utilities outside U.S and made extortion demands. And in one case the "hackers"  were able to shutoff the power supply to "several" cities. The cities names are not revealed.

Now its time for economy . The Wall street journal reported in 2009,April , cyber hackers from china and Russia and other countries have penetrated the U.S electrical power grid and left behind software that can be used to bring down the system.
Cyberpower and National Security (National Defense University)

Well in October 2010 security officals in Iran , Indonesia and else where reported that Stuxnet was found which is specifically disrupting Siemens PLC's.

Cyber Security EPISODE 01 : STUXNET, Are the Electrical Power Grids Next ?

The fear of Stuxnet has no doubt created an immediate urgency to look upon the cyber security measures adopted by the Government, Public and private sectors.  It is a very fact that every facet of the modern electrical grid is controlled by the computers. Our major physical infrastructure is interlinked with electronics to achieve automation. Stuxnet virus that was designed to target specifically Iran's nuclear program by its envies , showed that ho dangerous the game could get by the well crafted electronic virus. Power Grids shares many vulnerabilities that Stuxnet exposed.
 Symantac Stuxnet Chart
A sophisticated attacks could bring down a large chunk of US electrical grid. In these series of posts , the effects of  SCADA attacks and possible ramifications will be discussed so stay tune , click Follow Button on right  to read the coming episodes.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Antimatter .. DanBrown's Angels and Demons achieved reality.

All of you who have read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown or seen the movie knew how amazing antimatter story can get. When the bigbang occurred about 13.7 billion years ago , an equal amount of matter and antimatter is released in the universe. However it appears all of the antimatter vanished in the thin air because all we see around us is matter.

June 5, 2011 handout from CERN shows untrapped anti-hydrogen atoms annihilating on the inner surface of the ALPHA trap.[source :CERN/AFP/Getty Images]

Carl andreson in 1923 first identified the antipartical of electron , "positron". It has positive charge instead of negative charge.Subsequently in 1955 University of California's scientists identified antineutron and antiproton . Matter and antimatter reacts violently with each other and release of huge amount of energy occurs. This energy is so great and contain destructive power that only half a gram can create more devastation caused by atomic bomb dropped by USA on Japan. This unstability make it very difficult to study the antimatter . But recently scientists are able to produce the antimatter only for a fraction of second under a controlled environment . Antimatter however reacted with matter and destroyed it self.

At CERN the "Alpha antimatter experiment" team able to produce and successfully store the antimatter up to 16 minutes and 40 seconds. Previously this team was also able to create the anti-hydrogen and keep it for two - tenths of a second. Their current achievement is 5000 times increase in storage time. Fujiwara and colleagues created anti-hydrogen while maintaing the very low temperature of tiny steel cylinder , about -269 degree Centigrade.which is just 4 degree above the absolute zero. A powerful magnetic field helps in not allowing the antimatter to escape. This is the most exiting and notable achievement by CERN scientists and engineers .

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Google+ .....

Google has launched the limited field trial of "Google+". Only by invitation you can be able to access the currently offered new endeavors of Google+ .Circles , Hangouts, InstantUploads , Huddle and Sparks are the new exciting ways to face out the face book thought by google engineers.

According to google , "Circles" are "The easiest way to share some things with college buddies, others with your parents and almost nothing with your boss".  In Hangout you  let your friends know that you're free for a video hangout, any time, anywhere. Then catch up, watch YouTube or... just hangout.

Where as Sparks is a feed of only the things that you're really into, so when you're free, there's always something waiting to be watched, read or shared.With Instant Upload, your photos and videos upload themselves automatically, to a private album on Google+.  All you have to do is decide who to share them with.

"Huddle" , strange name for old thing and according to google "Texting is great, but not when you’re trying to get six different people to decide on a movie. Huddle turns all those different conversations into one simple group chat, so everyone gets on the same page all at once. Your thumbs will thank you".

check the details and submit request for field trial at google+